
The Techcapital

Why challenging the status quo is the only way to bring new talent into digital infrastructure

Nomad Futurist Foundation's co-founders Nabeel Mahmood and Phillip Koblence speak to The Tech Capital at infra/Structure 2022 taking us on a backstage tour of the Foundation and discuss what is missing in the marketplace around bringing new talent in.

Updated February 06, 2023 / Original October 05, 2022

The Tech Capital

By João Marques Lima

Founder and Editor, The Tech Capital

2 Mins

October 05, 2022 | 2:37 AM BST

With the digital infra sector growing at the speed of light, it has become paramount that younger generations are shown the ropes and the path into the industry. But this is easier said than done and as the latest report by Eight Roads shows, where more than half of respondents said they are considering leaving their tech jobs.

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João Marques Lima

Founder and Editor, The Tech Capital

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