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AI, sustainability, and 2024 - How to make data centres more appealing and environmentally friendly?

EdgeConneX's executives including Raj Chudgar and Steven Sprokholt, talk future of European green data centres in an AI world.

By João Marques Lima

Founder and Editor, The Tech Capital

2 Mins

October 29, 2023 | 10:43 PM GMT

In recent years, the European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of sustainable energy initiatives. One such initiative is the EU Energy Certificate Program, which aims to encourage businesses to adopt greener practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

By certifying their energy efficiency, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, gaining a competitive edge and contributing to a greener future.

Additionally, the impact of legislation is further amplified by the revolutionary power of artificial intelligence (AI) in data centres.

With AI-powered technologies, data centers can optimize their energy usage, resulting in significant energy savings and reduced environmental impact.

EQT-backed EdgeConneX, with its regional headquarters in Amsterdam, is one operator leading this transformation in the data center landscape. With the goal of tripling its footprint in the coming years, the company ensures that new and future builds align with climate goals.

Talking all this and more and joining the discussion with The Tech Capital are EdgeConneX’s Anand Ramesh, SVP of Advanced Technology, Raj Chudgar, Chief Power Officer, and Steven Sprokholt, Vice President of Project Management and Sustainability.

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João Marques Lima

Founder and Editor, The Tech Capital

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