
The Tech Capital Opinion

Net Zero goals must include a just transition

Creating a national and local framework for sustainability will not happen easily or quickly, and it requires strong support from government, writes Justin Kelly, Director of Corporate Communications and Business Development, Siemens plc.

Updated November 03, 2021 / Original November 03, 2021

The Tech Capital

By Justin Kelly

Director of Corporate Communications and Business Development, Siemens plc

5 Mins

November 03, 2021 | 2:26 PM GMT

The halfway mark has now passed between 1990, the year that countries who signed the U.N. Kyoto Protocol agreed to use as a benchmark for their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and 2050, the year many countries set as their target for carbon net-zero.

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Justin Kelly

Director of Corporate Communications and Business Development, Siemens plc

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